Saturday, March 21, 2020

Slow Saturday

How many times have we wished that time would slow down?  I think that perhaps we have gotten our wish granted!  Do the days seem longer to you now that we aren't leaving our residences as often as we once did?

Woody and I have stayed in most of the day.  I did venture out to feed the cats and get the mail...and, that was it!  I did a small amount of cleaning.  Got things out to make potato soup this morning and then made it after lunch.  Woody did his usual crossword puzzles and did some checking of emails, etc. on the laptop and has read.  We both talked to Melany...we think that she is worrying about us too much!  I guess it makes it worse for her since she can't come to check on us!  We keep assuring her that we are fine.  We've got food, shelter, activities to do around the house...what more could we ask for?!?  Tomorrow will be a strange day since we don't have a regular church service.  We will stay home and attempt to livestream and if that doesn't work for us, we will wait till our pastor's recorded sermon is posted on Facebook or the church app.  But not starting our week at church will probably mess our internal clocks up and we will have no idea what day it is the rest of the week!

Melany says that she knows what day it is by her weekly medicine container.  Woody and I both have one of those. And, it does ground me on what day it is as I get my morning medicine out...but that doesn't mean that the rest of the day will "feel" like the day it really is...if you know what I mean!  All day yesterday it has felt like Saturday to me (today has felt like Saturday, too). Woody knew it was Friday as he did all his errand running. him probably hasn't felt like Saturday since he couldn't make his weekly trip to the library. Our bodies/minds like routine.  I guess our bodies and minds will have to get used to a "new normal/routine"...for how long...I wonder!

Stay safe and well!  This, too, will pass!!  Practice patience! Try to enjoy your "downtime!"

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