Thursday, March 5, 2020


When we travel on our barn trips, most of our photos are taken from the car...sometimes through the windshield, sometimes the side window (sometimes with window rolled up and sometimes with the window rolled down).  We end up taking some of the barns from several vantage points.  The above photo was taken as we approached the barn and we are snapping photos at both the cows and the barn...when I took this one, it was raining a bit so there were some raindrops that the camera wanted to focus on.  This one I made blurry on purpose, when I was working on it with the photo app...making it blurry sort of took care of the raindrops and ended up making it look more like a

Here's one the camera focused too much on the raindrops on the windshield.  It will end up deleted, probably.  But for the moment it stays as it shows that it rained on the trip.

Here we are a little closer...still through the windshield, but perhaps the rain had stopped or I snapped it just after a windshield wiper swipe.  The next will show us next to the barn even closer.  I never know which photo angle will please me the most when I look closely at them after getting home!  This barn was well photographed.  Some barns we get coming and going and sometimes we turn around just to get a better view!  Glad for low traveled country roads!  

Today has been another rather slow day for us...not a lot going on...just a lot of this and a little of that.  I haven't done a lot this week.  I probably should have, as I had the week off from school.  Nathan, Kathy, and family except for Graham were in Indiana on a ministry trip.  I decided to treat it like a "real" vacation and just took it easy.  I did a lot of reading and just a little in the way of work around the house.  They arrived home this afternoon.  Woody got to take Elijah to baseball practice as Nathan, Kathy and some of the older kids headed off to the Smyrna Motlow  campus to have a worship service tonight.  They are trying to get a Baptist Collegiate Ministries started on the Smyrna campus.  We waited supper till after Elijah's practice.  I headed off to Walmart shortly after Woody and Elijah left for practice.  I just had a couple of things to pick up so was back well before they were and had our supper ready for Woody when he got back.  Now we are settled in for another relaxing evening...reading, TV watching, etc.  just another very quiet evening in our household.  I'll end with a close up of the cows that belong with this barn!

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