Thursday, March 12, 2020

Making Sense of Census?

Woody came in with the mail today saying that we had gotten our census form.  He opened it and said that it is to be filled out online.  He then turned the "honor" over to me to fill it out.  It has become a this time I have made two attempts and both times the form reverts back to the beginning at the same exact I am scrolling to add Woody's name and information after I have filled in my information.  When it goes back to the beginning all info that has been put in is wiped out! Grrrrrrrrr!  At this point I have set it aside!  I guess I will try it on the laptop next...maybe the touch screen on my iPad doesn't like my touch at that point in the form.

I had school this morning.  Joseph had his "Osmo Day" after he did his reading work with me.  It was Isaac's long time today.  He still didn't get his K'nex project finished.  He seems to be at a point that he can't get beyond...I think that I may call in some "brother K'nexpertise" to get this finished.  We read some more in Little House on the Prairie and then planned some science experiments for his next weeks long time.

Woody ran a couple of errands this afternoon because he has to take his friend to a doctor appointment in the morning and doing what he did today will help him get through tomorrow's errands in a shorter time.

We have had some rain today, but not a lot.  There is a prediction that some heavy storms may come though in the night.  Don't like those storms that come through after I'm asleep...a reminder of last week's killer tornadoes that touched down north of us while so many were asleep.

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