Saturday, September 12, 2020

Better Night and Day!

All the changes that the doctor and nurse made yesterday seem to be helping. Our night went pretty smoothly. After the second cycle, I went to bed and told Woody to "page" me if he needed me and that if I wasn't up when the treatment was over that he could wake me up and I would come down and unhook him. His lightheadedness seems to be over. And, all his blood pressure readings have been good maybe separating out all his blood pressure meds is helping. He was much more comfortable during the treatment since they lessened the amount of solution being put in him. So things are on the up and up. So far he has kept all his meals down and even drank a protein supplement. I have the machine all set up and ready to connect him. He is planning to do it an hour earlier tonight as we work towards him doing the dialysis during the day instead of the night. During one of his cycles last night I got the Sunday School lesson extra done. We still aren't meeting at church for Sunday School so Marie, our class teacher, or I do a little summary of the lesson and email it to class members. Marie had knee replacement yesterday so I'm doing the lessons for a while till she feels like taking it back over. My friend Ruth came over today and we had a porch chat...a nice diversion in the day! We have storms coming in. I think that I hear the rain starting. I'm sitting in the dining room and I hear it on the kitchen window...hasn't made it to the dining room window yet! Here it is! This storm is the approach of a cold's that time of the year again! Doesn't seem possible that Fall is just around the corner. When Fall begins, we will have gone through two seasons during the pandemic...Spring, Summer and a few days of Winter. Will it ever end?!? Have any of you heard what the symptoms that the lady had who stopped one of the trials for a Covid vaccine? For some reason...when I initially heard something about the reason that one study had stopped...whatever the words were I wondered if her symptoms could have been those of Transverse Myelitis...and last night on the news that question running through my mind was answered in the affirmative. Some of you who have followed the blog from the get-go...or just know me...know that 17 years ago I was struck with Transverse Myelitis, a neurological disease that attacks the spinal cord...I am one of the lucky ones who have next to no remaining symptoms...mainly a tingly right hand and once in a while another of the symptoms pop up. I credit Celebrex (now its generic) with keeping symptoms at bay. In the past when I have had to stop taking it more of the symptoms come back. The Celebrex keeps the swelling in the spinal cord down due to its anti inflammatory properties. All this is just a piece of information that I thought might be of interest to some of you. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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