Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday Doings

We have pretty much just stuck here at the house today and haven't done a lot. Woody finished his treatment 4ish and he was disconnected and I had all the post "jobs" completed by 5am. We started at 4:30pm today. He is into the dwell time of the second cycle of this treatment. The first drain was a bit slow, but that seems to be a pattern...after the first drain the next ones seem to pick up a bit of speed. He continues to feel better...he's no longer light-headed as it looks like his blood pressure meds are working in the way Dr. O and the nurse spaced them out. We are both confused as to the day...one seems like another...we are up both in the day time and in the night time. We sleep both in the night and in the day! A bit confusing! The other thing that is confusing is that the treatment starts on one day and ends on the next. So at times I have to stop and think if we are finished or starting! Tomorrow will have a marker that will say what day it is...we have an appointment at the dialysis clinic. so in the morning after his treatment is complete, I will have to remove the thumb drive and put the vital signs notebook near my purse so I won't forget it when he head off to the appointment. Our hummingbirds are happy. I made new food for them today. Our little fast flying friends found the full feeder very quickly. I finished another book today. I am closing in on 100 books for this year. I have slowed down quite a bit on my reading since Woody went on dialysis...a lot of times when I sit down to read my eyes close sooner than I had planned! I got busy on this book because it was time for it to be snatched back into cyber space! Woody continues to do a lot of reading...one activity that he likes to do that he can still do. He does still do a coule of crossword puzzle each day. I made sourdough biscuits today with my sourdough discard. I have some active sourdough starter and some in the refrigerator in case I kill what is on my counter and also have some stored in the freezer. It's amazing all the types of recipes that can be made with this. Sourdough brownies are sounding quite good...one of these days! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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