Thursday, September 17, 2020

I'm sad...couldn't find the link so I could use the legacy format for back to "title blogging" and no photo. Even though he started dialysis early yesterday it was still way into the wee hours of the morning till his treatment was finished. I was asleep and he didn't awaken me so he didn't get disconnected till I woke up this morning. He slept some. But I do wish that he could be finished with treatments around midnight so we could both sleep. I don't think that we can start them early enough for that to happen. Appointments have to happen sometimes in the afternoon so I don't see us starting before 3pm and that seems to get him finished around 2am or so. I have a feeling that we will move the treatments back to during the night as now they are interrupting our late afternoon, evening, and night. It seems like I get him disconnected and it is time to set him up again prior to getting him connected at whatever time we are starting it. He is just starting the 2nd cycle of four. The first cycle took three hours. Some as we go along get a little shorter. But if 4 cycles and they each take 3 hours...then it is a 12 hour half a day for each treatment. He's watching TV and playing solitaire at the moment. He had been reading. Sometime after the third cycle, he usually transfers over to the couch hoping to catch a bit of sleep. Sometime after the 2nd cycle I usually head upstairs having told him to "page" me if he needs me. And, thus goes part of our days and nights these days. Our new normal...or is it our new abnormal?!? Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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