Saturday, January 8, 2022

Busy Couple of Days

I am so glad to be finally sitting in my recliner...not a lot of time today to sit...or at least I didn't find much time to sit. Yesterday and today were cooking days for me. It had gotten to the point that I needed to spend time in the kitchen rather than just passing through and warming up things for us. Yesterday I made Boston Baked all day process...though not a lot of work once they are ready to pop in the oven...then it is just a long time cooking at a slow temperature. I also made macaroni and cheese. I thawed some of the pulled pork that I made a while back (nice to have parts of meals in the freezer!) we can have a barbecue type meal. When I mentioned the baked beans to Woody, he wasn't interested unless we had some slaw...well, making slaw will have to wait till after some grocery shopping is done. I will plan to fill my cart online tomorrow and pick up our groceries Monday morning. It was also time, once again, to make Woody's breakfast I did that this morning...two pounds of sausage patties minus the one he ate for breakfast are now stored in the freezer. Lots of dishes came with all the cooking...the dishwasher has run several times over the last two days. A little while ago, I loaded the dishwasher one more time and then washed by hand the dishes that aren't supposed to go in the dishwasher and got counters cleared once again! Kitchen is definitely closed for the night! Kathy had been given a LOT of food and she stopped by so I could shop from her car. She and Abigail came in to visit for a few minutes. Woody's dialysis is already going tonight because we have to leave fairly early in the morning for Sunday School. I'm wondering if you are hearing about friends and family having Covid...seems like I hear daily of someone else (some days more than one) that we know who now has Covid. I heard the other day that it is getting to the point of "not if, but when" we will get Covid. We are still trying to keep away from it! I hope you are, too! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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