Saturday, February 22, 2014

One Month Old!

It doesn't seem possible that little Joseph is already one month old. Time does fly. I went over this evening to get a few pictures of him at one month. I got quite a few of him by himself, but I liked the ones that I took of him with three of his siblings best! They do love their baby brother! Woody made his Saturday to the library and also ran an errand. He walked a "long four" miles. It has been a very pretty day. It was great to hear the grandchildren playing outside today. They sounded like they were having a great time. I know that they look forward to more spring-like days. I think that next week it is supposed to get cold again. But I'm sure that there will be more and more warm days and soon we will be wishing for cooler temps! But today was one of thise perfect days and the kids took advantage of it. Elijah decided that he needed to learn how to climb a tree. His daddy had to get him down three times. On the third time Nathan asked him why he was climbing the tree when he couldn't get down. Elijah told him that he was learning how to CLIMB trees today and that he would learn how to GET DOWN another day! I have spent a good part of the day working on my iPad. I feel the need of transferring my list of books that I have read. It is now housed on our original computer and I know that one day we won't be able to access them when that computer decides to quit working. I don't want my book list trapped inside when it does! So I have been trying to figure out where I wanted to continue my list. And, today I found an app that works like the spread sheet that I am used to and that I have my book list on now. So I started a new book list on my iPad today. First I typed in the books that I hadn't put on the old computer yet and then I decided that I would gradually type in the rest of the list. Well, I am at 301 entries and I just began the "C's!" This will be an effort that will take a while. I'm sure that I will work on it for a while and then set it aside. I do have the list printed out on paper so I'm not relying only on computer or case they disappear into cyberspace! As I have typed in titles of books, I have thought back to when I read them...some titles brought back instant memories of reading them and some titles don't even ring a bell! Maybe if I saw the covers, my memory would be jogged!?!

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