Saturday, April 18, 2015

Things are Greening UP!

At this time of the year I love to just go out into the yard and "look up." It is amazing to me how much greener it gets overhead everyday. The first picture shows two interesting trees in our backyard--shagbark hickories taken today and the other picture was taken yesterday as I just stood in about the middle of our front yard and looked up. You "might" get a perception of how very tall the trees are in our yard...let's just say that looking up can cause a dizzying effect! This week our world has been colored with the "spring green" crayon in the crayola box! When I moved to TN, I found out that there really was a difference in the greens at different times of the year...and right now the leaves have that very light green that pretty closely matches the spring green crayon. It is a light and airy time of the I can look up and still see through the trees to the won't be long till we won't be able to see the sky for the trees and their canopy of leaves. The leaves get bigger every day...almost seem to grow right before my eyes. Woody went to WalMart and Kroger this morning and then after he came home with the groceries he headed off to the library. Then he pretty much spent most of the rest of the day outside working in the yard. He mowed, mulched leaves, cleaned off our little patio, raked, etc. Everything is really looking good around here. Later in the afternoon, he went on his four-mile walk. I have done a little of this and a little of that around the house. I did some washing, some vacuuming, some picking up, and I did manage to finish the crop pants that I was making for myself...finally got over having to pick out every seam that I sewed! I went out and sat on the front porch to watch for birds. My little friend that I pictured last night, a nuthatch, returned quite a few times to get seeds from the bird feeder. I didn't see the hummingbird nor did I see any little birds go to my new bird feeder nor any go near the new houses. I talked to Cheryl (my favorite sister (only sister)) while I sat there so perhaps I scared some away. A blue jay did fly in for a minute and I figure he was thinking about the suet feeder as I know in the past blue jays were frequent feeders there. So next time I will sit more quietly and perhaps more will come. I had fun watching our across the street neighbor and his date for the prom pose for pictures. She had on the prettiest yellow dress...I have always been partial to a matter of fact my prom dress was yellow...but paler than this young ladies. I got sleepy after supper and dozed for a little while. I woke up feeling chilly and then realized that my arms were achy...guessed that rain was coming...checked the forecast...and sure is predicted to rain sometime in the middle of the night...Well, we are both in for the evening. We both have books to read and I hear the TV running downstairs. Looks/sounds like another typical Saturday evening in the Dorrell household!

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