Thursday, June 18, 2015

Good Day for a Siesta!

I woke up way too early so by this afternoon it was definitely time for a siesta. This morning Woody got up and decided to work in the garden weeding. He took advantage of last night's rain...Kathy's phone's prediction about rain was just about right on the money. Woody ended up wishing that he had walked first and then worked in the yard as it was pretty hot when he walked. He worked a little here and there during the day out in the garden and did some more this evening and he said that it was a bit cooler after the sun went down. I once again worked a little in the kitchen...this time the other side of the kitchen...microwave and wiped off the stove top. Not a lot to do as Woody keeps those wiped off fairly well when he is "on his own" in the kitchen. After that I headed off to try to choose some new glasses...which I hopefully chose well. I haven't had new ones in years. After lunch I read and did take a siesta...pretty hot once again. Woody has read, watched some TV and did crossword puzzles. I'm off to transfer a load from the drier to be folded and a load from the washer to be dried...last work for me of the day!

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