Monday, August 3, 2015

Look Who's Eight!

Esther-Noel turned eight today. She has had fun celebrating both yesterday and today. She had her "party" with her family and Goosey (Woody) and me yesterday because her parents flew the coop today. Nathan mentioned on Facebook a while ago that they were going to be childless for almost 40 hours...oh, my! Let's see they left a little after eight this many more hours is there left?!? Right now Woody has all the children with him at church. We are having a revival. I stayed behind and have been getting our house ready for more "company" tomorrow. Alex neeeds to come to Tullahoma to upgrade his license and we have a less crowded DMV than they have in his city. Alex is bringing his girlfriend and also another friend who needs to do the same to his license. Woody and I decided that we would divide and conquer...Woody is going to entertain the three college-age kids over here for lunch and I will feed the crew of eight younger kids next door. At some point we will all visit...I think! Today has definitely been an active could it not be with eight kids...who are 13,11,11,9,8,6,3,1! We have an extra as Kathy's niece is visiting for a while as her mother was in a bad car accident and is in rehab. Jana is eleven...the same age as Abigail. This afternoon Jana and Abigail went to one of Kathy's friends to do some of their school work and for Jana to have a violin lesson. They will rejoin the family at the revival. We had school this morning with six of the eight. Esther got to choose her meals for today so she chose pizza for lunch...Little Caesers came in handy for that...Woody made a run for some of their "hot and ready" pizzas. For supper it was a meal from their "once-a-month cooking" and I just had to pop the casseroles in the oven. So cooking has been easy. I left tonight's supper dishes soaking while I came over here to work till they get home...then it will be stories and off to bed. I will sleep over there tonight. Their parents will be home late tomorrow night...all will be asleep when they return...that is if all goes as planned...but then when do plans totally work!!!!! I had "planned" to take two of them shoe shopping this afternoon. I totally forgot till it was too late. Well, off to do a couple of other things over here before the crew returns...they will be home shortly. Happy eighth, sweet Esther, our toothless wonder!!!

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