Tuesday, July 5, 2016

It's Raining! It's Pouring!

We have definitely had our share of rain in the last 24 hours. It rained quite a bit during the night and then just a few minutes ago it started up again. Tonight's pictures show what it was doing just ten minutes ago. Our plants/gardens are getting watered while I type this! I heard a weather report today out of Huntsville, AL that our chances of rain will soon be out of the picture and that there won't be much in the forecasts for a while, but that we can expect to be HOT...close to 100 by the end of the week. Something to look forward to?!? The children have been in and out today while their mother and siblings do their wash...the washer that had thought to be fixed isn't quite fixed yet. After lunch Kathy and I took Elijah for a new pair of shoes. Isaac went along for the ride. Isaac came over to our house upon our return and Joseph joined him. He spent a lot of the time that he was over here sitting next to Goosey (Woody)in Goosey's chair while Goosey read quite a few story books to him (all those cow books that I checked out last week!). Isaac spent time playing with the cash register. He is quite interested in money and the different kinds. He decided that Goosey didn't have very many coins in his coin purse so he went home and got his coins and added a few to Goosey's coin purse..."since Goosey's leg isn't feeling very good." Elijah has been keeping a watch out for his gift from us...but unfortunately UPS has changed the delivery day to tomorrow by the end of the day rather than today. I'm sure that the Fourth holiday didn't help in keeping it on schedule. I did check a little while ago and the package is in Nashville...so it is getting closer. This afternoon Woody went around collected the trash from the waste baskets in the various rooms around the house and got it gathered into the kitchen wastebasket and I took it out to the big garbage can and got the garbage can situated on the curb for tomorrow's trash pick-up. So he has started to take that chore of his back from me. At that time I asked him if he thought the rains were over for today so I could take the recycle bags out and he said that he thought so...oops! Well, the paper for recycle is getting a bit wet...oh, well! I made one of our long time "tried and true" recipes this afternoon: Sweet 'n Sour Pork. A dear friend brought us a dish of cooked fresh green beans...yummy. So we had a very good supper. We are now settling in for the evening. I am planning to finish a book that I have been reading for a long time...one that I checked out from our public library, turned it back in when I couldn't renew it any more, requested it and got it from the Manchester branch of the library, turned that one back in, and have checked it out from ours again...and, am now determined to finish it! It is a historical fiction...rather detailed and it was easy to put it down and read another easier read. I have finished many books since starting it. I am ready to turn the last page and then return it to the library tomorrow! Woody has been doing crossword puzzles, reading, and watching TV off and on during the day.

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