Saturday, July 29, 2017

A Blast From the Past!

I was looking for a picture for tonight's blog and I happened to open up this one and realized that I had never posted what our old garbage disposal looked like.  I bet that not many have seen such a colorful one...very 70's right!?!  We no longer have a unique garbage disposal...this one lasted almost 40 years.  I'll bet the generic looking one, that looks like everyone elses, that we now have doesn't last even half that long! I will say that the new one is much quieter.  Our old one, when it was running, sounded a bit like a jet plane taking off.

Woody headed out this morning to do his usual Saturday running around...library and hospital visits.  He was gone longer than usual and I was beginning to wonder if he was going to get back in time for us to go to a memorial service.  But he did get home in time to change clothes and then we both headed to our church for the service.  Woody went for his four-mile walk this afternoon.  Our hot temperatures and high humidity have broken and it has been a VERY pleasant day to be outside. He enjoyed a walk a bit later in the day rather than having to go super early to avoid the heat.

The three boys survived their sleepover and all slept well.  They headed home shortly after they had breakfast.  Melany and I talked on the phone for a while this afternoon.  We hadn't talked in a while.  Often these days we send off quick text messages back and forth so it was good to catch up with her today.  Her school year is getting back underway with teacher meetings starting this coming week and she will start having kids in the classroom sometime the next week.  Tullahoma City school kids start this coming Wednesday...just too early...summer seems like it is just getting underway!

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