Friday, December 1, 2017

Oh, What a Beautiful First Day of December!

It was a beautiful day to head off to take photos of barns!  I didn't see any "Christmas barns"...other than those that were Christmas red.  We decided that this one looked the most Christmasy with the flock of sheep in the foreground...looks like it could be a picture on a Tennessee Christmas card!  We saw many, many barns which I will share on the blog for a while.  We got back to Tullahoma just before dark...just moments before dark...I drove home looking at a beautiful sunset.  We had a good looking for barns (amazing how many there are out there), fun chatting, etc.

Woody stayed home and held the fort down...that is when he wasn't out grocery shopping and running errands.  Today's stops included Lowes, Aldis, and Kroger.  He got the job of putting away the groceries, too.  That job usually falls to me so I know what he has bought.  I guess I will be surprised as to what I find in the fridge and the cupboards!  He also took a four-mile walk this afternoon.  A little after I got home, he went next door to stay with Isaac and Joseph while Nathan took Kathy and the rest to get ready for being in the parade or watching it.  Graham is marching in the parade with his Civil Air Patrol troop. Esther and Elijah are riding on our church's float.  This year our church float is an advertisement for our children's Christmas musical, Jingle Bell Beach.  Nathan came back after dropping folk off and I am sure that he has taken the little boys back to see the parade.  Grammy and Goosey are party poopers when it comes to the parade...usually is is just too cold...and we have frozen at many a parade over the years...though, this year the temperature is not too much of a factor as it is quite mild today.  We just aren't enthusiastic about going in any conditions!  So we are settling in for a quiet rest of the evening.

I think that I will go do a little unpacking in the Christmas closet and take a few more boxes downstairs and see if I can do a little more decorating this evening.  'Tis the season!  Note the sign outside a shop that we went to today:

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