Saturday, July 10, 2021

Blueberry Pickin’

Nathan, Kathy, Joy, Esther, Elijah, Isaac, and Joeph came over to pick blueberries late this morning. Their blueberry bushes get bigger every tall that Nathan even has trouble getting the ones at the very top. Isaac was attempting to eat more than he picked...but once they were in the colander, he was supposed to leave them alone! I caught him when his daddy's back was turned! The really big juicy ones are very hard to resist! So far the netting has kept the birds out. The blueberry picking trip was Nathan's second trip to our house today. He showed up earlier in the morning with a friend from church who is a part of a team of men who help out folk who need something done around their our instance it is getting a ramp built from our back door and over to our driveway. He took measurements and said they would build it in the near future. Sounds like they have a plan in mind as to how to do it. These same men will be doing some work for Nathan at the Baptist Collegiate Center at Motlow. Woody was going to drive himself to dialysis today, but changed his mind when he decided he hadn't given himself enough time to get there and in at a leisurely pace. His big accomplishment was he did manage to get back in the house after dialysis without Nathan or any neighborly assistance. I spent quite a bit of time in the dark this afternoon after dropping Woody off at dialysis. The electricity went off and stayed off for about 1-1/2 hours. Woody heard at dialysis that the outage was due to an accident on Jackson Street (main drag in Tullahoma). Kathy was running errands in town and she saw two ambulances heading somewhere. It involved a motorcycle and another vehicle. I had no idea why the electricity went out nor how much of an area the outage involved. Kathy did text me that the grocery store where Abigail works was without power...and that is a ways away from our house. When I went upstairs my cell phone was beeping and one of the messages was from our internet provider saying that there was an outage and that electricity would be off for several hours. Shortly after the power came back a shorter time than the internet provider estimated...I got another message from the internet folk saying that power was restored and if we still didn't have the internet to call a certain number. I appreciated the information from them...getting that text let me know that it wasn't just our house! I took advantage of the outage and just rested during that a little and then just rested my eyes till I felt the overhead fan come on and knew that power was back. Woody said that he wouldn't have known about the outage, except that the nurses said something about it. I'm sure that they have a back-up generator at the dialysis center. But I am pretty sure that they must have been affected because they are located on Jackson Street. Oh, and, about the drama from his last dialysis session, Woody found out that the lady is in the hospital. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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