Friday, November 19, 2021

A Little of This and a Little of That

A day to stay at home and I'm not sure just what we have done! Guess it is good to have that kidof day once in a while...a day that nothing specific has to be done. I've muddled around in the kitchen some...enough to have a mess that needs to be cleaned up...mainly from our meals of warming up this and that. I have some dishes that need to be washed and/or put in the dishwasher because we finished something that was in the need to do something with the dishes that they were in. Woody has been reading up a storm so I made a trip to the public library to repleish his supply. I picked up a couple that we had requested and also added a couple that Woody asked me to get and a couple of others that I chose to add to the stack that I got. He has already finished one that I got wasa very short book. So the to-be-returned-to-the-library pile has already started stacking up. I think that we have both dozed a bit thus afternoon. Woody was once again confused as to what time of day it was when he woke was 5:30 and he thought that it was strange that I was up so early! I talked with Melany...we discussed a little about our Thanksgiving plans and talked for the first time about what we might do about Christmas. Thanksgiving is going to be a bit different this year...Melany and Wade and family are going to have Wade's brother and wife over on Thanksgiving Day. Kathy and Nathan had thought that Kathy's sister and family was going to spend that day with them...though, it looks like those plans have changed. But when that was what was originally thought I suggested that the Proctors and Dorrells come here on another day that weekend and have pie here. Woody isn't interested, this year in turkey or any of the fixings...except "maybe" the pies so this sounded like a way that we couod get together as a family but not have it all about the big feast. So that is the plan...on Friday we will all gather over here for pie. Now it looks like Malany and family will gather at Nathan and Kathy's for a Thanksgiving meal before coming over here. Those are the plans, at least as of today! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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