Thursday, August 11, 2022

Nine to Five!

Checking in with you after a long day at the hospital. We left our house at 8:30am, got to registration a little before 9am and didn't walk back into our house till 5pm. Once Woody got taken in for surgery, it didn't take long...he was back in his cubicle 45 minutes after leaving...and fully awake or so he seemed. The doctor said that it was an easy surgery. We just had to wait quite a bit beyond our given time to finally have the surgery. Then once he got back in the room, the nurse was getting ready to give him a blood transfusion. We were so glad that they worked with Dr. O and made the actual transfusion happen while we were there. We wanted them to type his blood, etc. today, but thought that we would have to go back tomorrow for the actual transfusion...but they did it in one fell swoop...made a long day, but also saved us going back for another long day tomorrow! At the moment we are pretty tired. Woody was dozing when I looked in on him last. He isn't having much discomfort...maybe a few twinges. Our hemodialysis nurse checked in on us via text. She also gave me orders for a blood draw on Monday to check his hemoglobin. Well, I won't think about that added duty till Monday! We've got to get to Monday first! Tomorrow is the big day...I fly solo with Woody's dialysis...well, not truly solo, since Woody is there to help me! Woody got the nicest letter from a co-op college student, who worked with Woody out at the center years ago. Woody and he are big Cardinal fans and with a few big Cardinal wins lately, he got to thinking about Woody, so decided to try to find out what he could about Woody online and found my blog...and, I guess our address! Glad to know that a search for Woody will tag the blog! Welcome, Greg,...your letter was timed perfectly...I handed it to Woody just moments after getting home from the hospital. I am none the worse for wear after my fall yesterday. Between my shoulders is a little achy, but that just may be sitting at the hospital all day! Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. Once again, God has seen us thorough another procedure! And, as Woody says, "To God be the glory!" Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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