Wednesday, August 31, 2022

A Different Type of Delivery

Well, it doesn't take a semi-truck to deliver supplies for home hemodialysis. I hadn't received any word about today's delivery so I called today and found out that UPS would deliver our order before 7pm no need for anyone to be here for the delivery...they just leave itnon the front porch! And, luckily amongst these boxes only one had much weight to it...but it was still picking up each of these boxes and getting them into the house and into the correct pile. But it is nice to not have the vast amounts of boxes delivered every month. Hemodialysis has more medical supplies...syringes (5 kinds), gauze pads, tape, alcohol wipes, cleansing swabs, etc., etc. All those boxes fill up the shelves in the downstairs "coat" closet and the top of the card table. And, there are a ton of books that go with this treatment...too many to remember which one has what information in them! I keep saying that I need to copy the pages that I use the most and make my own notebook...but so far am too tired, or is it lazy, after the treatment is over to do anything else that has to do with the treatment once it is over! Once it is over, I don't want to think about it till the next time! We have had a nice "day off." It was busy, but at least there wasn't any connecting or disconnecting or concern about what alarm might go off on the machine! I did have to make another batch of dialysate, but that is going should since one batch only lasts for two treatments. We've had our day off and now we will have three days before our next day off. Today, we got in the mail the labels for our next blood draw for labs. That is supposed to be the first Monday of the month, but since the first Monday in September is Labor Day, we will be doing it on Tuesday. I have to do pre treatment labs and a post treatment draw that day...oh, boy! Can hardly wait...not! But these are all drawn through his access ports so it isn't that sticks...but lots to remember and do before and after and then get them ready and call for a FedEx pick up. Too much talk about dialysis on a day off!! Woody says that he is starting to notice that his arm is healing. He can now touch the bottom part of his arm. He doesn't want to bother the stitched area above his elbow or the stitched place farther up, but he has touched in between and says he can feel the tubing! I asked him of he could feel the blood flowing through, but he said he hasn't pressed on his arm that much to feel that! And, he doesn't want me to touch his arm! Here I am talking about dialysis "things" again! Guess that is our life now whether we are having a day off or not! I was determined to do some stitching this afternoon. I sat down and put about ten stitches in before I fell asleep. When I woke up I put about ten more and finished one tiny object on the ornament I am stitching! Maybe I will get this ornament finished and move on to another...eventually! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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