Friday, August 26, 2022

Tiring Day Off

I think we are both so tired after our day off from dialysis. We plan days off from dialysis around appointments...Woody had two today. The first was with the surgeon who took out his PD catheter two weeks ago. Today he got the stitches out from that surgery and he also took out the two stitches up on his neck that are from his temporary hemodialysis catheter...he had two wiry stitches at the base of his neck on the front side. Dr. Thomason had asked about them at the time he removed his catheter, but got busy and didn't do it so we asked him to today. Dr. Thomason hadn't done that surgery, but happily took stitches out today. Woody is glad to have them gone. Dr. Thomason is just the nicest and most considerate doctor/surgeon. He was concerned that Woody wasn't feeling the greatest today and asked if there was anything he could do. Woody just asked for sympathy and he readily agreed to give Woody some! I just sit there and watch this doctor who I taught when he was three or four years old. I think of the math and reading skills that we shared through the Montessori method and know that he got a good foundation in his education at that young age, as I was a part of it...very proud to have been able to give that foundation to him and many, many other children. I will always be in the Montessori method's corner! Glad that both our children went to Montessori preschool and that I was able to share this method with hundreds of children including our grandchildren. When I get to see my school children as adults it makes the memories of their early days all that much more special. As I mentioned at the start, Woody still isn't feeling the greatest after his Monday surgery to put in the graft for his hemodialysis, He is still having quite a bit of pain. After his stitches were removed, he decided that he really didn't want to wait at the Oncology office till it was time for his appointment. So we came home for a little over an hour. He had lunch and then we headed back for his Keytruda appointment. His oncologist said that he had never seen this type graft surgery. I left Woody at the Oncology office and got gas for the car and then headed home till they called to say he was finished. I usually try to do some cleaning in Woody's room, but today I just sat and read and texted with Cheryl, my favorite/only sister! I think that I may have dozed a little, too. Woody chose not to take anything to his alpointment to read today. He said that he just wanted to close his eyes during his treatment. It is hard for him to transfer from chair to wheelchair to car and back again. Only having one arm (and one leg) to be able to really use makes it very difficult. He does use his graft arm a little...but that causes him quite a bit of pain. And, he uses his bad leg, but as little as possible. Having so many trips in and out of the chair and car today wasn't easy for him. I think he will be glad to stay home and "just" have dialysis tomorrow! We will attempt to go back to our planned days off next week = Sunday and Wednesday. Of course, that could change if an appointment should pop up. But for the moment the only thing on our calendar is dialysis supply delivery and all we have to do for that is be here...and I even think that they will leave this delivery on our front porch so don't absolutely have to be home. So day off today, dialysis tomorrow, and then day off on Sunday...then two days of dialysis...a day off...then three days of dialysis and at that point we will be back to the start of another week. I did make Woody another meatloaf after he got home from Oncology so he had a meatloaf sandwich for supper. He's wanting apple crisp so I may try to make that tomorrow. At the moment all I will say we will definitely do tomorrow is dialysis! Dialysis has to be done...everything else is optional...will happen if strength can be found to do "whatever." Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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