Thursday, September 1, 2022

It's September! Time to Play Fall Ball!

We're just home from the ball field. Isaac and Joseph are both playing on the Bama team. Isaac hasn't shown an interest in playing after he played one he is a bit hesitant when it comes to batting/swinging the bat. But he came away realizing that he is hitting against the older players on the team...10-12 year olds pitch to 10-12 year old batters and the younger players bat against younger pitchers. I was wondering why pitchers were changing a lot. Isaac is a bit gun aka ball shy as he was hit one time when Joy was pitching to him. Since Joseph played in the Spring league he is more ready to swing the bat. Plus he is batting against less seasoned pitchers since he is in the younger bracket. This is the first year that they have played on a team where the players pitch. Before they had played on coach-pitch teams. Oh, I forgot to tell why Isaac decided to play this year. He usually goes with his mom or dad to the practices and he decided he'd rather play than watch practice! There is no score board for Fall Ball...or at least the score board wasn't run I came away not sure what the final score was and the boys didn't know either. But I thought that their team had crossed the plate more than the other team and I was right. Nathan and Woody had kept track...Bama won 5-4 over Vandy. The boys were surprised when they heard...but happy. Today dialysis went well except for one little problem before we got the treatment started. I spotted a small blood clot (piece of clotted blood like a scab) poking out of the plastic end of the access going into the tubing. I took a picture of it and sent it to our nurse and then called to ask her what we should do. That access end had an empty syringe on it and she had me open the clamp and pull back and pull blood into the syringe and hopefully pull the clot into the syringe...hard to tell since you really can't see through blood! But she was pretty sure that would solve the problem and then had me attach a saline syringe and flush that into the clot could be seen at that point so she said we were good to go. And, as I say most days...things must have gone at least ok as Woody is still alive! The rest of the treatment went as it should. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Happy September!

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