Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thursday Doings

Tonight's photo I posted a few weeks back. But we haven't gotten back to a game since I took this pucture, so will use it again, as I have news to share about tonight's game. Isaac, the boy who was afraid to swing on the night this photo was taken, hit a triple tonight! And, Joseph got a hit, too! Nathan just texted this information to us. And, bottom line...their team won! So a good night at the old ball park! Woody just didn't feel like going this evening. As a matter of fact at the moment, Woody is sound asleep. So he doesn't know this news yet! We have had a pretty good day today. We did have an alarm right at the very end of his treatment, when we were ready to do the rinse back. I attempted to stop the alarm, but ended up having to call the nurse. When this happened the dialysis treatment is over and at the very end I connect the arterial tubing to the saline bag and it washes the blood that is still in the tubing back into his body so he doesn't lose any blood during the treatment. It can't sit in the tubing very long or it clots. He did have more clotting today than usual...I'm guessing that blip at the end was the cause. If only alarms could stay away! As soon as I got to the clean up part after the treatment (wiping down the machine, etc. with clorox wipes), I got Woody his lunch. Then I cleaned up the machine and got the next dialysate batch underway and then headed to the grocery store. Got that job done and came home and put purchases away. I got the grocery list done and wiped off the refrigerator shelves during the dialysis treatment today. Woody worked puzzles, read some, and watched some TV during his treatment. He has a baseball game on right now...but I don't think he knows what is going on! Not his team so he isn't as interested in the game as he might be if it was his St. Louis Cardinals! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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