Saturday, September 10, 2022

September Bloom

This bloom was a little smaller than its predecessors, but still stunning. I wonder if it is through blooming or if it will surprise me with some more before it gets cold. Yesterday's mess with the dialysis just got worse after I blogged last night. It was just about 20 minutes before the drain was supposed to be finished and an alarm sounded...saying that it detected a leak!! Why it waited all that time to tell me, I wonder! I had not tightened a connection correctly...I screwed the connector on was tight, but crooked and so water had been leaking into the tin vat that holds the 50 liter bag of dialysate. So with this tale...all water was contained and did not get out into the room. I had to make a call to find out what I had to do...only thing to do was to drain it...did I have a wet vac? Well, I have a very tiny carpet/upholstery cleaner that does suck water up...but so tiny we would have been at it all night! I quickly called Nathan and he was on his way home and closer to our house than his. So I asked him to stop here and we would try to problem solve together! He quickly came to the conclusion that he would go home and get his wet vac. Eventually we got the 50 liters drained and the vat dried out. Then I had to make another call to find out how to be able to get the machine back to start so I could make another batch. After many verbal instructions from someone in Massachusetts, I was finally back to go...only had to stand on my head a few times and crawl around on the floor for a short time! I told him that it just wasn't right for a 74-year-old woman to have to do this. But do it I did! And, managed to get another batch of dialysate going so it would be ready this morning...and, it was! Had a few glitches at the start of Woody's dialysis...had to call the nurse twice as they were problems that we had had before and I knew she knew what I needed to do. Whereas, someone in Massachusetts would not be on the same wave length with me. We got things straightened out and we were off and running and everything went smoothly after that. I think that this new machine responds a bit differently than our last one to touch and settings are also a bit different. All dialysis equipment has been put to bed and will stay asleep until Monday! Today's task that I had never done before was flushing the drain...that was an easy task which has to be done at least monthly...but just one more thing to add on to what has to be done. I got a pot of soup going during dialysis time and finished it later in the afternoon after I rested a bit. I rested while I talked on the phone with Cheryl, my favorite (and, only) sister! We chased a lot of rabbits...we usually do! Woody has been watching various college football games and is now keeping up wih thr St. Louis Cardinal's game score via Alexa. Our day is waning. I just have to start the dishwasher and then I'm heading upstairs. This has seemed like a very long week! Looking forward to a REAL day off from dialysis tomorrow! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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