Monday, March 6, 2023

Back of Tree, Shoulder High, Behind an Ornament This Shape, but More Round!

Tonight's blog title are the hints from Isaac via a text from Kathy last night. And, I can say that I did find the pickle ornament! Where Isaac said it was, is pretty much where I had been looking. The problem was that it had fallen from the branch that he had hung it in and was nestled laying on its side in some branches close to the center of the tree! But ut has been located and has been safely packed away in its box. The undecoratingnof the tree goes on. At the moment, almost every surface in the living room, except where I am sitting, is covered with boxes of ornaments or boxes that the ornament boxes will go into. But the job is starting to wind down...though still many to oack away. And, someone coming in now and seeing the tree might think that the tree is still decorated since there are still so many on it. The ones that are left on the tree are the handmade ones or the glass balls or ones that have no boxes of their own and will just be layered with tissue paper in the boxes that remain. Probably still several hundred to pack away. I feel that I am at a good place to stop for today and pick up tomorrow. Many hours have been spent packing away the ones that have already been taken off the tree. Woody has had a quiet day. He stayed at home and didn't have any home health folk show up today. We did go to orayer meeting and have just gotten home. His allergies continue to bother him. He will have dialysis tomorrow. But all in all it has been a good day. A beautiful day outside...very springlike! To be continued. Be safe!Be well! Be cautious!

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