Thursday, March 30, 2023

Same Song Second Verse

Well...where do I start...perhaps with the words: "never a dull moment!" This morning we didn't get a call to come in early so we just did various things to fill up the time till it was time to head off to dialysis. I got a grocery list ready so I could do a quick shopping trip after I dropped Woody off. As we were driving up to the dialysis clinic, Woody asked me if I would go to Lowe's to get an onion set. I decided to do that first. I had to stand in line while folk checked out LOTS of gardening stuff so I could buy my littlr bundle of onions! When I finally got away from there, I headed to Kroger. I was just grtting ready to put a head of cabbage into a bag, when my phone rang and it was Fresenius, Woody's kidney clinic. The nurse was calling to say that once again Woody's graft was not working. So I put the cabbage back and rolled my cart to the end of an aisle and headed off to pick Woody up. Today's directive from Dr. O was to go to St. Thomas Hospital ER in Murfreesboro. I got in touch with Nathan to see if he could take us and he could. Woody and I headed home so I could pack a bag for Woody. We had talked and decided that I would come back home when Nathan headed home. The ER doctor had determined that Woody would be staying the night and having whatever procedure is deemed necessary tomorrow. He said that we could go on and leave and Woody urged us to. So we got home before dark. Nathan planted the onion sets before he Woody's request. Woody wanted them planted before tomorrow's predicted rains. Woody's labs came back showing that he wasn't in dire need of immediate dialysis so any procedure can take place tomorrow. Possible things they may do: 1) attempt to declot the graft, again, 2) if they can't do that put in a line in his clavicle area mthat dialysis can be done through, or 3) put in a new graft. My guess is that if they can't open up his current graft, that they will do the line in his chest and have him come back at another time to have a new graft put in...just my guess. He is in the hospital where his graft was put in so perhaps his doctor can have a look and decide what is best to do in this situation. Time will tell! Nathan will take me back to the hospital in the morning. He and Kathy and family are doing a juggling program in the morning at the church preschool where Abigail teaches. After that, we will head Murfreesboro way. I'm guessing, again, that things won't get underway very early tomorrow as he is a work-in. I think that they will fix things so that he can have dialysis one way or another and that he will come home and have dialysis at his usual time on Saturday. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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