Tuesday, March 21, 2023

What Next?!?

Let's start at the beginning of the day...or really last night around 10:30. I got a message from Woody's infectious disease doctor answering one of my questions around 10:30...late working doctor! She had rethought after I sent her questions about whether we could use the antibiotic that she had prescribed earlier but in a different size tablet. She decided to go back to what she originally prescribed and to only take it three times a week...after each dialysis. Taking it after dialysis keeps the dialysis from dializing it out of his system before it can do some good. So that sounded good...but she didn't address my question about whether he was supposed to continue on with the antibiotic he was already taking. So I messaged her that question again. That answer takes us to first thing this morning. Before it was time for Woody's breakfast, she had messaged me that answer. Yes, he is to continue to take that antibiotic, too. So questions answered at the end of uesterday and the start of today. Mid morning, Davida called to tell us that he was a temporary in-center dialysis patient through Saturday, but come next Tuesday he would become a permanant in-center dialysis patient. He has been approved to stay in-center...they have a permanant slot for him...probably the same time slot that he has now...we will see. This doesn't mean that he can't go back to home dialysis at some time in the future if in-center isn't the best fit for him...but for the time being till he is feeling better than he is now, he will be going in-center three days a week...Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for approximately 4 hours each session. All were in agreement that it seemed best for now, at least, Dr. O included. Not long after Davida called it was time to get the numbing cream on his arm and wrap it is plastic wrap so it would be numb when they stick him. We do that about an hour before we leave home. We headed off a little before noon and I dropped him off, leavimg him in the waiting room. I knock on the dialysis treatment room door before I leave so they know he has arrived. I headed home and warmed a bowl of chili for my lunch. Before I had finished the bowl of chili, I got a call from the dialysis center saying that Woody's graft had quit had clotted off and that they had a call in for Dr. O and that he would need to go to Murfreesboro or Nashville tomorrow to have it declotted. Before the nurse heard back from Dr. O, she had already arranged for him to go to Vascular Access Associates in Nashville. She thought that was what Dr. O would want. The Murfreesboro doctor who put in Woody's graft doesn't work on Wednesday...or work on grafts that day...just Thursdays. Getting the graft back to working is under a time crunch as he can't go without dialysis for too long...and, he hasn't had dialysis since Saturday...the longest time between treatments. I was told I could come pick him up simce they couodn't dialyze him today. I got there and they didn't bring him for a while. One of the nurses came out and explained what needed to happen. She still hadn't heard from Dr. O, but she was pretty sure that he would approve the appointment that she had made. She told me that I needed to keep the phone near me when I got home so they could get things worked out between all of is. I did text Nathan to see if he could take us in the morning. And, with a little rearranging of his schedule he can. Not long after we got home I got a call saying that Dr. O did want us to go to Nashville. Then several more calls came after that about various and sundry details. One was that they had checked his potassium level amd that it was high so he needed to take a med to bring it down...the fact that he hadn't been dialyzed for several days and couldn't be today made them check potassium levels. The nurse said that she would phone the prescription in to our pharmacy...but guess what the next call was to tell me that our pharmacy didn't have it nor did other phrmacies im town! But the Kroge pharmacy in Shelbyville did have it. So I had a trip to Shelbyville for medicine. We weren't told a lot about this medicie except that it might make him spend some time in the bathroom. Just a few minutes ago, he headed into the bathroom...but got surprised when he started throwimg up every where...not sure that was supposed to happen, but clean up is under way...his clohes and quite a few towels are washing. I have mopped the floor in there. Woody has gone to bed...not sure what the night has in store for us! Around here one just never knows what's next! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! (I'm having trouble wih the screem not scrollimg so am not even goig to make a feeble atempt at proofimg this tonigt!)

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