Friday, March 10, 2023

Celebrating a Birthday…A BIG One!

It took the above cake crew to make Woody realize that it was my birthday! And, they arrived at 5pm! Needless to say he is off in keeping up with the month and day and sometimes the time! I'm guessing that it is the first time in 55 years I've known him that he hasn't remembered. After the cake crew left he appologized and asked me what I wanted for my birthday...I told him I was! Might wish that he had remembered! Woody has had a pretty good day on my birthday. He had a PR evaluation this morning and it was decided that he didn't need to have PT...since he seems to be back to where he was prior to his hospitalization in early December. So one less person dropping by the house! The home health nurse also paid him a visit this afternoon and she is also quite pleased with his progress...his wounds are healing and he is overall feeling better even than he was when she saw him earlier this week. He decided this morning that he wanted to go for a hair cut this afternoon, which we did after home health left and we had some lunch. So all his reports were good today. Plus he had his "ears set out," what my father used to say after he got his hair cut. I worked more at getting the house back to normal. I still have the little bookcase, that belonged to my parents, left to put things back in...I have to bring down the antique books that I display my Hummels with...a good job for tomorrow...maybe! I also got into my Spring decorations...mainly bunnies and eggs...finding places to tuck them in so I can enjoy them for this season. At least these decorations aren't quite as extensive as Christmas! I have been enjoying our kitchen table that got displaced when we remodeled our kitchen. It has been located in a couple of spots after the remodel...but I think that I have found a good place for it...on the staircase "wall" in the living room. I am sitting at it right now as I type tonight's blog...enjoying being in the living room. It's a good place to sit and have a cup of tea and do a bit of reading...or whatever I might feel like doing seated at a table. Enjoyed eating breakfast at it this morning. Nice to have things back "to normal!" I still have boxes to go back in the Christmas closet upstairs...but chose not to do that task on my birthday.I guess I haven't filled in the important piece information about THIS many I am celebrating...but 75 seems awfully old when I realize that means I am now 3/4 of a century old! How did that happen?!? Guess I'll ponder that question as our story be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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