Saturday, August 12, 2023

And,Do You Know Where You Were 23 Years Ago?

Tonight's photo collage give me a pretty good hint as to where we were! And, there are several who read the blog that this will remind them of where they were 23 years ago! Happy 23rd Anniversary, Nathan and Kathy! In some ways it doesn't seem that long ago...but in others it seems like a very long time ago! I guess that is the way I relate to time gone by these days...sometimes two days ago seems like a long time ago and other times 23 years seems just like yesterday! We have had a relatively quiet Saturday. Woody spent an early four hours at dialysis. I spent that time getting ready for the delivery of our new washer and dryer. I have a small bookshelf in the laundry room that I store laundry products, cleaning products, etc. on and that needed to be moved to clear the path for old to be taken out and new to be brought in. I still have a few items like some mops, etc. that need to be taken out and the laundry basket...but most of what needs to be moved has been done. Glad to have that job behind me! Of course it really isn't behind me as it will all have to be moved back in! We both had a lazy afternoon...perhaps brought on by the latest storm going through...more wind and rain. Our gardens continue to be content with the moisture that God has been providing them! The weeds, too. I thought about doing a little weeding early this morning...BUT the humidity was so high that you could have cut through the atosphere with a knife! As we were leaving this morning at 6am, it was 73° and 100% humidity...pretty muggy! I decided that the weeds could stay for another day! Plus I really needed to concentrate on getting things out of the laundry room. This afternoon, I came upstairs to do some more stitching...the little doggy that I'm stitching for the Dog Days of Summer has a head and a lolling tongue...looking pretty cute. But he didn't get any more stitches put in as I fell asleep...not in my plans! I think that we both napped away a good part of the afternoon. Woody is just feeling so-so...not horrible, but not great either. After I awakened enough from my nap to think straignt, I got out Woody's EOBs to check to see if we really owe a bill that we got from the Murfreesboro hospital from back in March. And, as I suspected, we do not owe to figure out how to tell/convince them! I'm not sure what it is about this hospital...maybe they just aren't patient enough to wait to be paid by the secondary insurance...or..? They have dunned us several times and never have we owed what they say we do. I just get tired of having to thumb through the more than an inch thick stack of paperwork to find the exact one they are talking about...but so far that thick stack of papers hasn't failed to prove that we owe nothing. In saying that last, we are so thankful for Medicare and supplemental insurance! Well, time to head down to see if Woody needs anything and for me to do my final clean up of the kitchen for today. Then I plan to either read or stitch...or perhaps both as I can listen to a book and stitch at the same time. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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