Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Another Foggy Morn

We faced a cool and foggy morning as we headed to dialysis today. It has been a lot cooler all day today...only got into the upper 70s. I decided that I would checkout washers at a local family run business today. I thought that I could check size and price here before Jo and I went over ro Shelbyville later in the week. I found out that what I had figured was correct...the Speed Queens that so many had recommended to me really didn't fit in my small laundry room space. I would have only been able to open the dryer door 3/4 of the way if that much. They had a Whirlpool set that will fit my space...they seemed to fit the bill that we need so made a decision to purchase them. They will be delivered on Monday. So washer and dryer selection is checked off my list. On the way home I stooped at the grocery store down the street from us to buy the ground pork that I use to make Woody's bfeakfast sausage. By the time I got home and put the meat in the refrigerator, it was time to get Woody from dialysis. I got there and had instructions to knock on the door so the nurses could come talk to me. I found out a medicine that Dr. O wants Woody to take and that we were to head over to the hospital on our way home and get registrred and fet Woody's blood typed for a transfusion tomorrow! His hemoglobin has dropped. The main problem with this is that Woody's eye appointment that he has been anxiously awaiting for 6+ months is tomorrow! He has to be at the hospital at 8am and he is to get two units of blood...each unit takes 3 hours...so 6 hours plus getting started and stopped time...probably will be there close to 8 hours. I will take him and get him situated and then I will head out and hopefully accomplish something! I will return after I get my haircut...and, hopefully it won't be much longer after I get there.Hopefulky the transfusion will help him feel better. Something needs to help him feel better! I got him settled after dialysis and the hospital labs and then I headed to the church to work in the library with Donna for a couple of hours. We really got quite a lot accomplished on processing the last book order. I stopped at the pharmacy on the way home and picked up the med that Dr. O suggested and now...we are "just" here. I'm hoping for a restful night for both of us...I know that I am tired this evening. If we get some good rest, then maybe we will be ready to be off to the races tomorrow! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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