Saturday, August 19, 2023

Busy Saturday

We've stayed pretty busy from start to finish on this Saturday. Woody had dialysis from 6:30-10:30am. I dropped him off and came home and fixed my breakfast and ate it on the front porch. I came in and straightened up the kitchen and then got a load of clothes going. I did a few things upstairs...including setting up a little table to put my iPad on for my Zoom book club meeting. I made a quick trip to WalMart...the birdies are going to get hungry as I had used the last of our bird food the other day when I filled the feeders. I picked up Woody, got him settled with an after-dialysis snack and then headed upstairs for my Zoom meeting. This time one of my childhood friends was at the meeting...always fun to see Randi. The year I headed off to Cottey College, there were four of us who had known each other since preschool in Sunday School and then went to school all the way from first grade to 12th grade, who also went to Cottey. Randi and I were the only ones of the four who stayed for both years at Cottey, a two year liberal arts collge back a four year college...still a women's college. Yesterday was Randi's mother's 95th birthday...I think that Randi is the only of my childhood friends whose mother is still living. We had a fairly lively discussion about the book, River Sing Me Home. Next month's book was mentioned and I knew that it was one that my library doesn't have nor does it's e-branch. So I figured that I wouldn't be reading the next one. I have a "thing" about not buying we would be broke if we had bought every book that Woody, I, and the kids read over the years! We are majorly thankful for libraries for supporting our reading habit! I went to Amazon to "think about" whether I would break my rule...and found that if I did a trial of Amazon's Audible that I could get the audible book for free. So I have been listening to it while I did "things" this afternoon...while I rested and while I made homemade flour tortillas! Now I just have to remember to cancel the Audible "subscription" after I finish listening and before 30 days from today has passed! Hope I can figure out how to cancel! I am enjoying the audible book. It is "Untold Power," a biography about First Lady Edith Wilson. Just as I finished making the flour tortillas, Nathan texted and said that he, Kathy, and Joseph were going to stop by. I had invited them to come by and help us eat the watermelon that they had given us earlier in the week...I got it nice and cold. Nathan told me that four of the kids were going to be at a church youth gathering so only he and Kathy and their non-youth would come...that now means only the rest are either adults or youth (according to age at church...youth start at 6th grade...well, that is the grade that middle school starts here in town. So Joseph is their only non-youth and the older ones who are no longer youth were otherwise occupied...either at work (Graham)or with a boyfriend (Abigail). So Woody, Nathan, Kathy, Joseph and I had a watermelon party! Let me tell you that watermelon was really good...they can definitely grow watermelon! After they left, I finished up in the kitchen, watered (going to be hot and no rain predicted over the next little while), and changed the dressing on Woody's leg...and, that is where we are in our day. Woody is watching a football game on TV and I have come upstairs to blog and then get back to listening to "Untold Power" and maybe stitch a little! Pretty busy day for us! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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