Friday, August 18, 2023

Like a Saturday of Old?!?

Now before someone wonders if I know what day it is (note tonight's blog title)...I do know that it is Friday. But the way the day has played out it is just like how our Saturdays were back when we were working...a day that nothing was dictated that we HAD to do...after a week of having to be somewhere each day, it was always so nice to have one day that we got to decide if we wanted to do something or nothing! It's so unusual these days to not have somewhere to go just about every day that it was nice that today we had no where to be at a certain time nor had to wait on someone to come here! Normally Woody has a wound care appointment on Fridays, but he got the day off because the doctor took the day off because it is her child's birthday tomorrow. She always takes the day off the day before the birthday, too, as it makes her feel like a better mother! I used our "day off" to do some cooking. I made enchilada sauce because we had a lot of fresh tomatoes that needed to be used before they went bad. Since I was making enchilada sauce, it seemed like common sense to make enchiladas! So I did that too. We enjoyed them for lunch. I have gotten the kitchen cleaned up and the dishwasher is going. Woody has settled in for the evening. I will head upstairs in a few minutes and decide what to fill my evening with...reading, stitching, listening to a book, or...I did take a nap after all the enchilada making. So may have a few more hours till I can't keep my eyes open again. I did get caught up the rest of the way with my we are all clean...for the moment! Nathan texted this afternoon that he and Kathy were in the ER. Kathy had been stung by something. I texted with her a few minutes ago and she said that she was doing better after a double dose of Benadryl and whatever else they pumped into her at the hospital. She said that she can once again smile...she got stung on her lip. Ouch! I have another Zoom meeting in the morning after I get Woody home from Cottey College alum bookclub. I have listened to the book so I have cpmpleted my assignment to be ready for discussion! To be cpntinued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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