Friday, August 11, 2023

World Cross Stitch Day

Any day is a good day to stitch! BUT how couod I have NOT stitched on World Cross Stitch Day!?! I got underway with the new little cross stitch design that I found on a cross stitch site as a "freebie." I want to make it into a small pillow to put in my antique tin scoop. I will exchange something that is in the scoop now and add this in. I plan to have several seasonal items to be able to swap out at various times of the year. I'm hoping since this is so small that I will be able to get it stitched and made into a cross stitch "small" before the Dog Days of August are behind us. I will say that so far it hasn't felt like the dog days of summer...BUT today the humidity has settled in along with the sun beating down. To show you about the humidity...when we came out of the Wound Care Center, the metal on the wheelchair was quite cold due to the AC inside running at full blast, as Woody will vouch for! By the time I had wheeled Woody to the car and he had gotten into the car and I picked up the chair to put it in the trunk...all the metal on the chair was wet with condensation...good science lesson! I know when I went outside one time this morning, the temperature was 79 and the humidity was 86...pretty muggy! Speaking of science experiments, I had a chemical reaction happen in my hand when I tried to get the blood out of Woody's shirt (from a leak during his transfusion). I poured hydrogen peroxide over the place on his shirt and that area was in my hand...the hydorgen peroxide bubbled right up and the part of the shirt in my hand became very warm. I will say that several soakings in hydrogen peroxide did save his NIH t-shirt. I did have to go to greater lengths to get the stain out of his white took both hydrogen peroxide and clorox...but I think that the stain is out of it, too. Success...saved his favorite shirt and a brand new white t-shirt! I will say that Woody seems to be doing better...still not totally great (will that ever happen?!) but at least most of the pain that he has experienced over the last week seems to have pretty much subsided. Still having a few digestive problems but on the whole, he is MUCH better. Today's trip to wound care was pretty much the same ol', same 'ol. We just continue to change dressings on his leg and his bed sore. Bed sore is just about totally healed. They gave him some waffle cushions a few weeks ago and they have helped tremendously. He has two so we have one to transfer to and then pick up the one he had been sitting on and carry that to put down for the next transfer. He's much more comfortable sitting now that he has those cushions. He has already called it a night. I will have to give him some medicine a bit later, hopefully I will be downstairs when he has a wakeful moment and can give them to him then. It was just a bit early for the meds when he decided to "bed down." The wound care doctor is going to try to make contact with Woody's infectious disease doctor to see what she recommends he take as a suppresive antibiotic. They were glad that Woody already had an established Vanderbilt infectious disease doctor, as they said that sometimes it takes months to get established with one. We will have another early up and out for dialysis in the morning. I will say, again, Woody's strength is so much better since he had his transfusion...just hope that we can keep his hemoglobin to an acceptable level. Anemia is a dialysis problem...just have to keep a watchful eye on it. To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! And, if you are a cross stitcher or any kind of sure to put in a stitch or two in honor of "our day!"

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