Wednesday, December 14, 2011

All Joy NOW Wants for Christmas!

I posted a picture of Joy after she lost her first front tooth towards the end of November. Well, she now fits the song to a "T!" Now this tooth came out under questionable circumstances...something about Esther putting a blanket over Joy's head and when Joy less tooth! For it to have been no more of a confrontation, the tooth must have been close to ready to come out!

Today the children and I had a "normal" day of school. Elijah worked on his sounds and his colors and then Esther came over for her school time. It is a very exciting time for Esther as she has started sounding out three letter phonetic words and is able to "hear" the word when she blends the sounds together. That means that she has moved from making words with the Movable Alphabet to reading three letter phonetic words and putting them with a picture of that word! A very big first step in reading.

Joy also came over and did her reading school work. She's doing great with her first-grade reading also. She read in her school reading book today and did a workbook page. Then it was time for Abigail's sewing lesson. She pieced strips together today for the top of Esther's placemat and also got the batting cut out so she can go on to the next step in tomorrow's sewing time. While I was doing school, Woody did some work in the yard. I came home and grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed off to the church to work in the library. Once again we got quite a bit done in our very festively decorated library. Shortly after I left to work in the library, Woody headed off on his walk for the day. It has been a rather mild day today. It almost got to 70f today. There is supposed to be another cold front approaching which means rain and perhaps a storm or two at some point tomorrow.

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