Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The "S" Word

The weathermen can be happy...they predicted snow (the "s" word) and we did get some. It didn't stick...but was very pretty as it was floating through the air. I enjoyed watching the snow fall as I put more decorations on the tree. I would guess that I am about half-way through my ornaments...maybe (hopefully) a bit more than half-way. I have done lots of little jobs today. One was to tie ribbons on five little packages that needed to go in the AZ box. After I did that then the ball was back in Woody's court to pack the box and get it sealed with tape and addressed. He did that after he came back from WalMart and Kroger. He did our weekly shopping a bit early today taking advantage of Kroger's once-a-month senior discount (first time that he has done this). He came home with clues as to some cooking projects down the road...Chex Mix ingredients (really must be Christmas! I can hardly wait to smell it baking in the oven...Woody makes the Chex Mix...and I nibble...if I can get passed his stirring spoon!), some special cookies that he makes at this time of the year and other goodies. He also got the ingredients for my Cottey Wassil (the way they spelled it) that I make every year for our Sunday School party. The recipe that I use dates back to my Cottey College ( in Nevada, MO) years. It is the recipe for the Wassil that we had after we walked around campus hanging wreaths on the doors of buildings (Hanging of the Green). We went back to one of the residence halls and had wassil and sang Christmas songs. Ahhhhhhh least I can still remember those times! I will be making the Wassil at the end of the least a day ahead of the day that you are serving at least by Saturday. Woody took the package to the Post Office and mailed st be getting close to Christmas...since their packages are on their way. We also shopped We have just about finished with our Christmas gift buying...just one more grandchild to get a gift for ( I think). 'Tis the season! Well, back to getting "things" ready for the party!

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