Tuesday, March 22, 2016

47 Years Ago...

Oh, my that is almost a half century ago...time does fly when you are having fun and even when you're not! Things were a little less hectic around here today than they were 47 years ago at my parents' house. I have just done more puttering around the house doing a little of this and a little of that. Woody fixed us vegetarian burritos for lunch and I cooked a ham and made a green pea salad for our supper. Woody is still nursing his knee. He was good and drove to and from the prayer room this evening rather than walk. Again, today his walking was limited to and from the mail box and the walk to and from the car and his trip to get the garbage can and then a trip to empty the inside waste baskets. I went through our "pantry" (two lower shelves in our kitchen cabinets) to find out just exactly what we had. I also started making a spread sheet/index of recipes and where they are located. I have recipes stored in too many places and when I want a certain recipe it takes a lot of searching to find what we want. Today I just listed the recipes that I have stored in several places on my iPad...at least it is a start!

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