Thursday, March 31, 2016

Watches and Warnings

I guess you could say that we have a bit more of an exciting night in our usually pretty dull household. Storms are heading our way and we keep getting updates on possible storms. We seem to be at the edge. We are hearing a little thunder and I think that I hear light rain on the roof. We are under a tornado watch (conditions right for a tornado)but there are counties right next to us that are under tornado warnings (tornado spotted on the ground). The strongest seem to be to our south right along the TN/AL border. I got up and cut my pan of brownies and got them ready to take to the church. So before I had school I made a quick trip to the church. We had a pretty close to usual school day...a few switched places with a sibling but all came who were supposed to. After lunch I got our supper going. We are a bit off in having our traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner = A New England Boiled Dinner of corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and onions. It tasted good...better late than never! After I got the corned beef cooking, Joy came over and had her long time with me that she missed on Tuesday due to Woody's surgery. I rested a bit after she left and then went downstairs and peeled potatoes and carrots and cut wedges of cabbage. I got the kitchen cleaned up a little while ago. I am now upstairs and ready to relax for the rest of the evening. I think that I will read. Woody went to his surgeon's office this morning. All is well so far. He got some exercises that he is supposed to start doing. He did find out that he isn't supposed to do any four-mile walks for a while. He will go back next Thursday to have the stitches out. But so far so good! And, with this blog...March comes to an end!

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