Thursday, March 10, 2016

Celebrate 68!

Anyway...I guess it is a good thing to be celebrating 68...but I will say that it is an awfully BIG number! Woody started out the day with an eight-mile walk. When he got back, we headed next door to one of their family birthday traditions...Waffles and Ice Cream! Some may question this combination for breakfast...but it is really good! Then I was presented with presents and a play. The play was Little Red Riding Hood. Fun times! Late morning, Woody and I headed out to Lowes. Woody had bought us a new mail box, but had gotten the wrong size...thank goodness the wrong size was discovered before he started painting it! After lunch, Woody painted the mail box to match out house. Later we will stencil blue tulips on the mailbox...something that I did when we first moved in here and it has been a tradition to keep it painted and decorated with blue tulips (blue to match the front door and the shutters). The reason that we have to replace the mailbox is that someone came through our neighborhood a week or so ago and bashed it with something. Joy and Elijah joined us after lunch to make us a family of four for a couple of days. Again, Elijah has baseball practice and his family needed to be on the road. We have had a nice evening. The children have had their baths and are now ready for stories and bed! Grammy is ready for bed too! Oh, I must tell about one of my presents...Abigail surprised me...she had made one of her zipper bags on the sly! I was definitely surprised! And, here I am with our seven neighbor grandchildren:

1 comment:

  1. What a blessed Grandma. Happy Birthday to a wonderful friend! Would love to see your mailbox, by the way!
