Thursday, March 24, 2016

Spring Colors

Each day our world here in Middle Tennessee gets a bit greener and a bit more colorful. The yellow forthysia are just beautiful at this time of the year. I had school this morning with Joseph and Isaac and then Elijah, Joy, and Abigail read with me. I headed into the kitchen as soon as school was finished and made a gelatin salad for tomorrow when Melany, Erin, and maybe Wade come to spend part of the day with us. Then I got back to cleaning. I brought the vacuum upstairs with me a while ago which means that I am not planning on using it again downstairs. Woody continues to nurse his knee...but he has decided that he needs to doctor it as well...thus he put in a call to his orthopedist this morning and has an appointment with him tomorrow morning. After Woody ate supper, he headed next door to take care of the seven neighbor grands while their parents go on a date. I will continue to do a little after around the house after I blog...but have about done all I can do for this day. I will get up in the morning and do a few last minute things before they arrive. Right now I guess I will go unload the dryer and the dishwasher...I think that I am still up to doing those two things! If I unload the dishwasher, I guess I "should" then reload it with what is on the counter! One job always leads to another and another and...

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