Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lots Going On

The two of us have had a pretty active least for us! I had school this morning with the neighbor grandchildren. While I was having school, Woody headed off to the grocery store. That is one of the activities that his doctor told him to do...go to the grocery store. The children helped him bring the groceries in. After lunch, I headed off to work in the church library. On the way there I made a stop at the public library to return some of their materials that we had and also to get another book in a series that I am reading. I worked in the library by myself today. One of the library workers is traveling and the other had a death in her family. I did general maintenance and then I unpacked an order of library supplies that had arrived. While I was at the library, Woody got underway with making his vegetarian chili. He pretty much had all the veggies cut up by the time that I got home. He had started sauteing some of the veggies and then I took over getting the rest of them into the pot at the proper time. Our joint cooking effort tasted pretty good for supper. I got the kitchen cleaned up...Woody had planned to clean it up, but I thought that he had probably done enough in the kitchen for the day. Just a little while ago, the phone rang and it was the friendly animated call from Vanderbilt confirming Woody's appointment for a PET scan next week. We hadn't gotten one of those calls in 12 weeks! We are all settled in for the evening after our busy day. These tulips were blooming in the little garden outside the public library and were just begging to have their pictures taken...I obliged!

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