Saturday, April 16, 2016

Photo Op of the Day...MISSED!

And, the reason that it was missed was that I was in the missed photo oportunity. And, there's no telling when an opportunity for getting a pic of me doing what I was doing would happen again! Goosey (Woody) invited Elijah to run errands with him this morning, but Elijah decided to stay home. And, I think that the reason that he stayed home was because he wanted to practice playing ball...and guess who he talked into playing ball with him. Those of you who know me well...don't laugh too hard! Well, I donned Woody's baseball glove and we headed out to the front yard (above picture) and started throwing the ball back and forth. I think that I surprised Elijah that the second ball he threw me...I caught! He said that I didn't do too badly for someone who hadn't played ball in such a long time! (I did play on a girl's softball team...many, many, many, many moons ago!) Tonight I am feeling the fact that I hadn't done something like this in a long time! Wonder if I will be moving in the morning! I think that Elijah had a pretty good time with us for this little over 24 hour stay. His parents and rest of his family drove back into their driveway a little after six. Elijah was pretty happy to see them driving down the road towards their house. Today has been a stock/broth making day for me. I have made chicken and vegetable broth. Chicken broth is in the fridge and I just took the vegetable broth off the stove. It is cooling a bit before I put it in the fridge. We are ready to settle in for a quiet evening.

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