Thursday, August 18, 2016


Woody headed out early for his walk. I didn't hear him leave. But around 5am or so I was awakened by pretty heavy rain. My thought at the time: "I hope that Woody hasn't already left on his walk." I went back to sleep just occasionally aware of the rain and a couple of thunder claps. Around 8am the door opened and in walked Woody--very wet! It had taken him extra long as he had to "hole up" for quite a long time to stay out of the storm. His shelter was the pavillion at Frazier McEwen Park aka Big Springs Park. After he got home and the rain had stopped, he went out to check the rain gauge and we had had 2 1/2 inches of rain. Quite a bit in several hours time. And, Woody was an eyewittness to most of those inches! I decided that I was going to continue making ornaments for Christmas. Today I chose one that I made for several friends last year and never got around to making it for our tree. So today's ornament I made for us. I was putting away thread and came to the special thread that I had purchased especially for this ornament and decided to make this one before I put the thread away. Our tree doesn't "need" another ornament, but I can't resist making and/or buying one for it every so often! The neighbors (Nathan, Kathy and family) had been away all this week and came home late this morning. After lunch, Isaac and Joseph came over to pay us a visit. Isaac didn't stay very long, but Joseph settled in and stayed till it was his (and my) nap time. I took a nice nap after he left. I hope he had a good one as well! I spotted tonight's photos subject around noon--guess he was having his lunch. I was able to move around and get a better view without stalks, etc. between me and him. I just love goldfinches! This one was really enjoying the cone flower seeds as you can tell.

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