Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring Break!!!

Can you hear my excitement?!?  When school ended this morning, my spring break began!!!  So now to really get down to business to get ready for the kitchen remodel!  I moved some more things today.  The yardsale items pile is kitchen drawers have less items in them.  Nathan and Kathy and family will probably have a yard sale a bit later in the spring or early summer so I'm gathering items for that.

Woody has started some seeds in anticipation of the growing season.  He has also continued reading the books that he got from the library yesterday.  He's finished several of them already.  He has watched a bit of March Madness, also.

A little while ago, Graham came over with his tech tools and opened up the back and cleaned the sensor on one of my point and shoot cameras.  I wanted him to clean it so they could take it with them to Africa. He was successful at getting the dirt specks off that were showing up on the background of my pictures.  This will be this camera's second trip to Africa! I think that Abigail will be using it to snap shots in and around Africa.  Esther and Elijah are going to use my original digital camera to try their hand at getting some interesting photos.  Things are really hopping next door as they prepare for their big trip to Kenya.

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