Friday, November 22, 2019

Excitement at the Neighbors!

A couple of hours ago, Elijah came running into the house saying excitedly that the tree had fallen.  This was a very big oak tree that had been leaning for some time and had started to split.  They were in the process of getting someone to take it down.  Well, that job no longer has to be hired out...the tree came down on its own.  It is hard to tell how big it is, but it was about midway into their yard and when it fell, it fell across the entire street...but did no damage to the yard across the street as far as we can tell in the dark.  It was pretty much hollow.  Nathan and three of the boys got up into the hollow part and pretended that they were on a boat.  Nathan reported it to the city and it didn't take long till a policeman showed up to warn folk off from using that part of the street.  He told them that a work crew would be along to cut it up and it wasn't long till they came.  They are still working on cutting it up as I type this!  Never know what excitement will occur in the neighbors' or our lives.  They keep it pretty lively!  

I got with the intentions to make the herb bread that I use to make our Thanksgiving dressing (I'll call it dressing since we don't stuff our bird with it!)  We had attempted to buy all ingredients for all the recipes that I will be making.  This first recipe showed that I wasn't totally accurate with the grocery lists!  I needed the herb, savory for this bread.  Abigail baked three cheesecakes over here.  Once they were out of the oven, I headed out in search of the missing herb.  Well, after going to four grocery stores, I have made up my mind that it is unattainable here in Tullahoma!  So came home and just added more of the other herbs that it called for.  The two loaves of Herb Stuffing Bread just went into the oven.  

Woody did our grocery shopping early this morning.  Then he headed off with his friend to run the friend's errands.  They ended up going over to Manchester to take something to his stepson.  So Woody was gone even longer than these errands usually take.  

Well, I'm off to clean up my kitchen from the cooking mess.  The dishwasher is running, but several didn't fit in so I will go try to take care of them and then I am through in the kitchen for today.  And, in a few minutes I'll be able to say that the first recipe for Thanksgiving has been completed.  'Tis the season!

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