Thursday, November 14, 2019

Still Whistling a Decorating Tune!

Tonight, I think, that it is safe to say that what remains of the current decorating progress is to put away the rest of the everyday decorating times in the boxes from which I took out Christmas decorations.  Now...that isn't to say that the decorating is totally finished...I, of course, still have the tree...a major job ahead of me still.  And, I will be doing a little more in the family room as it gets closer to the Sunday School party day.  Since the family room is pretty much Woody's room these days, I won't subject to him to too much on bathroom counters and his desk tops till closer to company coming!  All I am doing at the moment in the family room is the fireplace end of the room...tonight's first picture and the shadow box.  I will put a picture of the shadow box at the end of the blog.  I am pleased with my progress.  If I have enough energy once I am finished with the blog and wash a few dishes by hand after I blog, then I will continue to pack things up and clear off the dining room table and get the box off the living room couch.  Once those things are packed up and taken up to the upstairs hallway then I will be ready to start bringing down the tree.

Woody has mainly done his usual daily routine today.  He did go out for a little while to run a couple of errands.  He went to the Credit Union and got gas.  Two things to mark off his list of errands tomorrow.  We haven't decided, but I may do part of the grocery shopping tomorrow.  I have a couple of cooking items that I need that Woody may be challenged to find and/or know what I am wanting!  I am supposed to put ingredients on our grocery list for the pies that I am going to make for Thanksgiving...trying to start gathering in for our family feast so the shopping task prior to Thanksgiving won't be so daunting!  He found all the ingredients for our Autumn Salad (gelatin salad) last week.  It can sometimes be hard to find the canned dark sweet cherries for this salad, but he was successful as well as finding the two flavors of jello that I need. A good start to finding ingredients! I also want to put the ingredients on the list for the yeast bread that I make to use in our dressing/stuffing.

This afternoon besides putting the last touches on some of the decorating, I stopped long enough to make a couple meatloaves (one for supper and one for the freezer for future supper).  And, made a squash dish that Woody likes.  Most of the dishes are in the dishwasher but there are still a couple of things that I need to wash by hand so I will go do that and then see where my energy level is after that.  Here is the family room shadow box...I only have one shadow box to decorate this Christmas as I didn't put the other one back in the kitchen after the remodel.

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