Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Must Be June!

I didn't even mention that it was June yesterday. I guess because I was so excited to get all the yardwork done! But the arrival of June is usually announced by our pretty daylilies and yesterday was no exception...yesterday, June 1, was the first time that I saw a bloom open on the lilies this they definitely announced June's arrival. This morning Donna and I worked in the library. We started processing a new order of books. This was the first order that I have made in over a to remember all the steps that we go through with each book after being away from this process for more than a year! Woody had a Keytruda treatment this afternoon. His oncologist suggested that he get an ultra sound of his thyroid since Keytruda and mess with the thyroid. Dr. Kelley, the surgeon who removed the melanoma from his arm had suggested that he get his thyroid checked out due to some test or another that came back from the ones that he had we are doing that. So one more appointment added to the calendar for this month for an ultrasound of his thyroid at our local hospital. I sat down this afternoon and wrote out all the appointments that he has so far this month and 15 of the days have something written on them...not all appointments...but lots of appointments! And, those appointments only include the hemodialysis appointment that he has already had and tomorrow's hemodialysis appointment as the rest of them aren't on the calendar because they haven't been given to him yet. I made a copy of all the appointments and suggested that he carry it in his wallet so he can check to see if there are any conflicts when other doctors, nurses, offices, etc. attempt to make appointments for future procedures with him. When I am with him for the appointments, I carry my iPad and can see my calendar and see if there are any conflicts, but he doesn't have any way but via a piece of paper for him to know what is coming up...and there are lots of things. I will just add to this calendar list as he gets more. My head is swimming, I don't see how it isn't overwhelming to Woody, who has to go to the appointments! We have had a rainy and cool day new plants are very happy to have gotten a good watering that isn't with the far they still look good...I haven't killed them yet! We are still having lower temperatures than usual for June. This afternoon it did feel a little muggy outside due to all the moisture, but not hot. Happy June! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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