Monday, March 28, 2022

March is Waning

The goldfinches are back and the males are turning their brilliant yellow once again. They were really enjoying the bird feeders. Woody has just gotten home from Monday night Furnace Room prayer meeting. I have just gotten his protein shake made and he is partaking as I write this. Donna and I had planned to work in the church library this afternoon, but I got up not feeling the best so cancelled out on our plans. I have pretty much just sat in my recliner as much as possible today and am feeling some better this evening. I woke up with a pain in my back that took me back almost 50 years ago...the day before Nathan was born. I got very sick that day and ended up in the hospital with an acute kidney infection and a 105° temperature. So when I get that feeling in my back I hope that I can nip it in the bud very quickly! I have been drinking water and cranberry juics most of the day. My friend Ruth and I were messaging with each other late this morning and I mentioned that I wasn't feeling the greatest and she offered to get me some cranberry juice. So thankful for my friends! And, I do think that I am better this evening...that dread pain is lessening. I'll get Woody connected to his dialysis treatment in a while and then head upstairs and plan to get some good rest tonight. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

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