Friday, April 22, 2022

Our Birdies Are Happy!

Today has been a full day. I got up around 6am to see where Woody was in his dialysis cycles...and he still had a ways to go. He was sleeping still, so I headed back upstairs and took a shower and got dressed. I came back down and it still wasn't finished. It finally finished the last fill a little after 7:30 and I wanted to leave no later than 7:40 for my doctor appointment. I got him disconnected and headed out the door and was pulling out of the dirveway a little after 7:40 but pretty close. My doctor is in McMinnville which is about 45 minutes away, but with school zones I wanted to have a little bit leeway. It's a pretty drive...nice to see how everything is greening up...but no photos today since I was driving. I kept wishing that I was on a barn trip instead of a doctor trip! I got to the office a little bit before my appointment time of 8:40. The parking lot was almost full...but when I went in there was no one in the waiting room and by the time that I got all my paperwork brought up to date, I was called back. I answered all the questions asked by the nurse...then someone knocked on the door and said, "She's ready for you." Whicj made no sense to me as usually they come to get you when it is time for labs. But she took me down the hall and around a corner and into another room where my doctor was sitting...with a walker next to her. Now I don't know how many of you do what I always do when I see Dr. Harlow...I ask how she is. We've known each other for she used to go to our church before she moved to it is just the normal thing that I ask a friend...but probably not what most say first to their doctor...usually it is the doctor asking how the patient is! Anyway, she said she was doing pretty well...didn't mention the walker. We went on with her asking a few questions and then I had to ask what the walker was doing next to her. She explained that she had fallen off a ladder and broken her hip back in February! So I would say that today my doctor is worse off than I am! I asked a couple of health answers and then went on to the lab so she could get on with her patients. She still isn't working a full day so they pack as many patients in as they can in the morning so she can go home to rest. I came home and got Woody's last fill drained and then got him his breakfast at noon. He said that he still wanted his breakfast since it was really his favorite meal. Later in the afternoon, he had some cran-apple crisp and ice cream and then had his shake a bit later than usual. I had decided that since it was such a beautiful day that I would fill bird feeders, as I had gotten new bird seed yesterday. I also cleaned the humming bird feeder as it was looking a little cloudy...don't want my hummingbirds to get sick! And, today I saw a hummingbird at the feeder several times. Good to have the hummers back. This hummingbird feeder is a new one that Melany, Wade and family gave me for Christmas so this Spring is the first time that I have had it out. I also plan to put out our older one too and am in the process of getting it cleaned up. Hopefully I will get it out tomorrow. I watered the new ferns and begonia that Melany and Wade brought me last weekend along with the sunflower seed feeder. It didn't take the birds long to get the word out that the feeders were full once again at 106. The only one that I haven't seen a bird eat from is the new sunflower feeder...sometimes it takes them a while to check out a new feeder...I'm sure that it won't be long till they are grabbing sunflower seeds from it...or the squirrels will discover it...along with the others!!! I sat on the porch for a while and called Cheryl...she likes to sit on our we talked on the phone and she could hear the birds singing and the children across the street playing. I snipped off some branches that have been getting in the way and picked up a few more sticks. The hard bucket is full to overflowing. Woody has pretty much stayed put in his chair and I think dozed off and on...think he may be dozing as I type least I think that I hear dozing noises! He has on Friday evening news programs on, but not sure he is learning much at the moment. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Speaking of those three things, I was surprised to be the only one that I saw masked this morning at the doctor's office...first medical facility that I have been in for several years that didn't require wearing them. The nurse did ask me if I wanted her to wear one. I am going to end with three more I call " Maybe Tomorrow." It is the way I found an iris a few minutes ago...looks like it may unfurl it's petals on the next sunny day. And the other two are views from my front porch that shows "Spring Green." Moving to TN as a young bride it was the first time that I realized why there was a spring green color in the Crayola box!

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