Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wednesday…Storm Line Approaching

At the moment storms aren't in the picture...but, if one looks at radar, approaching storms can be seen. Ar the moment the wind is what gives a clue that something is on the way. Woody drove home from his Keytruda treatment as he wanted to put the car in the garage...and, I don't even attempt to make that 90° turn and attempt to get through that skinny garage door opening and into the likewise skinny garage space. So our car is inside and protected from whatever might blow through this evening. There are tornado watches around us...don't think we are in one at the moment. Kentucky is already having a rough time...I've heard about a few tornado warnings for counties just north of the TN/KY border. While Woody was at TN Oncology today, I attempted to work on cleaning "his room." While he is there is about the only time that I can clean it without him being in I ran the vacuum and mopped "his bathroom" floor. That two hours that he is gone goes by pretty quickly. I did change the batteries in his LED clock...took me a while to figure out how to get it set again. It is one of those that is supposed to set itself at some point, but was afraid that it might get confusing until it decided to reset! I still have a load of towels to get out of the drier. After he got home, I drifted upstairs and drifted off to sleep for a while. My back wasn't too happy with my vacuuming and mopping efforts. It prefers me to dust! I even pulled a few weeds on my say inside after droppijg Woody off for his appointment. I got rid of a fee dandelions. I could tell that we had had lots of rain lately. My little weeding tool went into the ground quite easily and I was able to get the dandelion root and all...but some will be coming back as the root broke away before I got it out of the ground. I'm not much of a gardener and never will be. Last night I didn't take our knocked-down boxes out to the road for recycling as there was a chance of rain over night. So this morning I made a mad dash to grt them out before the recycle truck came. And, I just made it...they pulled up as I was putting down the last of the boxes. If I don't get them recycled every week, they make a pretty big stack behind the chair in the living room. Of course, when I get tonight's solution bags out, I will empty another box...and the stack begins all over again...but at least it won't almost reach the top of the back of the chair! I am heading off fairly in the morning, so I'd better go get Woody's dialysis set up so he will be finished before I head off. Be safe! Be well! Be cautious! Here's a photo of the approaching storms. It is still a ways away from us...we are the blue pin.

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