Monday, March 27, 2023

It's Official

As of noon, it became official that Woody is an in-center dialysis patient. And, how do I know since it isn't dialysis day? Well, at noon today the dialysis machines, dialysis iPad, and the chair scale were whisked we CAN'T do dialysis at home! So I consider that it is official! Tomorrow will be his first day as a permanent in-center dialysis patient. After lunch I ran errands. Then this evening I went to prayer meeting. Woody chose to stay at home. He didn't feel bad...just didn't have the energy to get from his chair into wheel chair, transfer to the car, transfer to the wheel chair, go into prayer meeting, transfer back into the car, transfer from car to the wheel chair, and finally transfer from wheel chair to his chair or couch. When you think about all that transferring it would make just about anyone tired...and when you don't have a lot of strength it takes a lot out of you to just go from one place to another! We had a nice barn trip yesterday...lots of fodder for blog photos! To be continued! Be safe! Be well! Be cautious!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling, when I have to take out and put in my walker again and again. Not as heavy as a chair.
