Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A First For My Dentist!

At a lull in my 1 1/2 hour dentist appointment, I asked the dental assistant to hand me my purse.  I wanted my camera to take a photo for tonight's blog!  I said to my dentist, "I'll bet that is a first!"  And, he admitted that he had never had a patient request to take a picture before!  I survived my dental appointment...but it must have taken something out of me, as I slept most of the afternoon and into the evening!  I had made our supper before going to the dentist this morning so all we had to do was heat it up tonight.  I just heated mine up and I'm having quite a time eating.  I'm still chewing on only one side to make sure that the temporary crown is set.  Well, the tooth is a back molar and I can't chew without biting my cheek on the side that the work was done on...ouch!  I imagine that my cheek is swollen due to the shots, work done in that area, and/or I bit it while it was still numb.  Anyway...supper isn't all that enjoyable!  Woody walked eleven miles while I was having my dental work done.  This afternoon he slept some too (anyway he was asleep before I went upstairs for my rest).  He seems to be having a sinus problem which is making his teeth hurt (perhaps in sympathy with me?). So he took some benadryl and the result was a normal benadryl reaction...being sleepy!  He is getting ready to watch the first game of the NBA basketball finals.

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