Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Last Wednesday of July!

I can not believe that it is July 25th and that fifteen years ago today I was in Antioch.TN taking care of  four-year-old Erin Elizabeth because her baby brother had been born that day.  Not only are the months flying by, but so are the years!  Woody got up early and walked 10 miles (yesterday he walked four miles).  I got up early and hit the floor ready for another day of cleaning.  Cleaned  more in the guest room...under the bed this time.  I put clean sheets on the guest bed...all ready for our next guest!  Joy and Esther spent time over here as did Graham.  The girls got to playing with the bells on one of the shelves in the living room.  I finally told them they might as well take them all off and we would dust the shelf and the bells.  They were very willing to get their hands on ALL of the bells on that shelf.  They played happily with them for some time.  Graham and I have made final plans...or is that finally made plans...for Grammy's Attic Day.  We have a closet in the hallway at the top of the goes about six feet one way and six feet the has quite a bit stored in it...there's quite a bit that isn't easily accessible without taking out quite a lot first.  I told the children some time back that we didn't store anything in our attic...but that this closet was like an attic!  And that "sometime" we would get into it and explore it "sometime" when I was ready to clean it.  We have had so many things come up to keep us from doing that the time is upon us.  Graham is going to be my main helper and when we come across a "wonderful find" we will call the girls (we say the girls as there are a lot of my Aunt Lois' dolls stored in this closet) over to see what we have found.  Graham is looking forward to seeing the doll sized (American Girl sized) school desks again.  We may put away the American Girl tea party things and get out the school desks for a while.  That is if Elijah will allow the tea party things to be put away...he does love the tea party in the corner at the top of the stairs...though, he has been playing with it less and less lately. Anyway, Graham is coming over after church and going to spend the night so we can get up, have breakfast, and get going on "Grammy's Attic Day" first thing in the morning...we might even start pulling out a few things this evening to get things under way!  This afternoon I did pull myself away from my cleaning for a while and went to the church library to work for several hours.  Then I came home and put the bells back on the shelf! I called Alex a little while ago to wish him a HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY.  It sounded like he had had a good day.  (Oh, my...this means that it won't be long till he has his driving permit...yikes!)


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